Salem County Adult Daycare
53 S Broad St, Penns Grove, NJ, USA
The Dunkle-Vartanian Group is pleased to present the Salem County Adult Daycare located at 53 S Broad St, Penns Grove, NJ 08069. The subject offering consists of an adult daycare business, its NJ Certificate of Need for up to 80 clients, and the real estate.
The 12,368 square foot property is ideally located across the street from Penn Towers South - an 82-unit senior/disabled housing apartment owned and operated by the Penns Grove Housing Authority. Salem County Adult Daycare is currently the only for-profit adult daycare with a NJ Certificate of Need License in Salem County. The business’ buses allow for the opportunity to draw clients in from a large geographic swath. With increased marketing efforts, an investor can increase the business’ client count by capturing market share from Active Day’s recently closed Carneys Point location and the nearby senior housing complex. The demand for senior care is projected to increase as New Jersey’s population rapidly ages. The business currently has 12 employees and 3 buses.